
INTERVIEW: Answering Cults in Southern Africa

In this recent radio interview, Kennedy Gondwe of CFAR Southern Africa and Tim Martin of CFAR USA answer important questions about our crisis of discernment and the challenge of cultic groups today. What does Scripture tell us about identifying, understanding, and answering false teachers and their followers? Listen for answers! Recording courtesy of Faith Radio...
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INTERVIEW: Knowing the Traits of Cults

What patterns in cultic groups can help you identify them easily? How can we respond to those who claim to be Christians, yet twist the Bible to deceive others? In this recent interview on Family TV Uganda, Rodgers Atwebembeire of ACFAR explains how we can recover our focus on the sufficiency of Scripture and the...
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INTERVIEW: Answering Cults in Malawi

In this fast-paced, wide-ranging conversation—in English and Chichewa—Kennedy Gondwe and Tim Martin of CFAR discuss the real and growing threat of cultic groups in Malawi and offer solutions based in God’s unchanging Word. Originally broadcast via Blantyre Synod Radio.

INTERVIEW: Cults and Their Traits

What patterns in cultic groups can help you identify them easily? How can we respond to those who claim to be Christians, yet twist the Bible to deceive others? In this recent interview on Family TV Uganda, Rodgers Atwebembeire of ACFAR explains how we can recover our focus on the sufficiency of Scripture and the...
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INTERVIEW: Answering Cults in East Africa

In this recent interview on Family TV Uganda, Rodgers Atwebembeire of ACFAR tackles tough questions about the challenge of cults facing every believer. How do cultic groups recruit? How can every believer learn to discern between truth and error by knowing Scripture and recognizing common forms of deception? Learn how to protect yourself and others...
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INTERVIEW: Answering Cults in East Africa

In this recent interview on Family TV Uganda, Rodgers Atwebembeire of ACFAR tackles tough questions about the challenge of cults facing every believer. How do cultic groups recruit? How can every believer learn to discern between truth and error by knowing Scripture and recognizing common forms of deception? Learn how to protect yourself and others...
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Women, Discernment and Defending the Faith

The undiscerning Christian woman is in constant danger from false apostles, false prophets, fake pastors, and “every wind of doctrine” (Ephesians 4:14). But God’s unchanging Word gives us everything we need to recognize and respond to harmful error, as Project Priscilla coordinator Sarah Walusimbi explains in this powerful message. Learn more at https://acfar.org/pdflibrary/Sisters-Warning-False-Prophet.pdf

INTERVIEW: Answering Cults in Southern Africa

In this recent radio interview, Kennedy Gondwe of CFAR Southern Africa and Tim Martin of CFAR USA answer important questions about our crisis of discernment and the challenge of cultic groups today. What does Scripture tell us about identifying, understanding, and answering false teachers and their followers? Listen for answers! Recording courtesy of Faith Radio...
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Does the Bible Address False Teaching?

Every book of the New Testament, with the exception of Philemon, warns believers to beware of false teachers and false teachings. The battle between truth and error has been raging ever since Genesis 3, as Rodgers Atwebembeire explains. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.

Does the Bible Address False Teaching?

Every book of the New Testament, with the exception of Philemon, warns believers to beware of false teachers and false teachings. The battle between truth and error has been raging ever since Genesis 3, as Rodgers Atwebembeire explains. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.

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