SPIRITUAL COUNTERFEITS ARE EVERYWHERE. School campuses—especially universities—are thick with apostles, prophets, “vision bearers,” and fake pastors, infiltrating CUs and creating confusion. Cultic missionaries from North and South America, Asia, and Europe are also there. And because Christians students have been converted without being discipled—brought to maturity in their faith—they are easy prey for deceivers.
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO “TEST BEFORE YOU TRUST?” The antidote for deception is discernment. Believers must be discerning so they can’t be easily “tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of people [who use] craftiness in deceitful scheming” (Ephesians 4). False teachers are hoping you don’t know your own faith well enough to detect a fake before it’s too late. That’s why Paul told the Thessalonians to “test everything” that claims to be a message from God, “hold fast what is good. [and] Abstain from every form of evil” (1 Thess. 5:19–22).
ACFAR CAN HELP YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRUTH AND ERROR. We’re already on university and secondary-school campuses in Uganda and Kenya—equipping students and teachers, chaplains and patrons. We have special “discernment week” outreaches to help freshers to escape deception at the start of new terms. We even have a special apologetics notebook for students. Check out our online resources and contact our team if you’d like a presentation at your school.
One of our major emphases is campus outreach, including classes and conferences at major universities and secondary schools. You can request an introductory talk on “Patterns in the Cults” or a multi-topic series by contacting us.
ACFAR has created a special apologetics notebook for students! This tool will help you understand and articulate the essential doctrines of the faith, grow in how to discern biblically, and give you answers to common errors you may face. If you live in Uganda or Kenya, contact us to request your copy.
Be sure to follow ACFAR on Facebook for the latest articles and videos to recognize and resist errors spreading on campus.
1 Thessalonians 5:21–22