
How Do I Identify a False Teacher?

The greatest danger with false teachers is that they are “wolves in sheep’s clothing” (Mt. 7:15). How does Scripture help us to identify them? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.

Is False Teaching Worth Talking About?

False teaching is ravaging the church in Africa—affecting not only eternal destinies, but with dangerous consequences here and now. Thankfully, Scripture both warns and equips us for this threat, as Rodgers Atwebembeire explains. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.

Warning: “Oneness Pentecostalism” (Jesus Only)

PDF Version WARNING: “ONENESS PENTECOSTALISM” (THE “JESUS ONLY” CULT) Real Christians have always believed that there is only one true God. Numerous Bible verses teach this. For example, in Isaiah 43:10 God declares, “Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me.” But merely believing in only one God doesn’t guarantee...
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Beware the Teachings of Andrew Wommack

PDF Version Andrew Wommack is the founder of the Colorado-based Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College. He spreads his message across the world through “the power of radio and television” and ample use of the Internet. But is Wommack’s message biblically sound? Because Scripture warns Christians to beware of false teachers, we must carefully...
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Grasping the True Grace of God

PDF Version The apostle Paul wrote that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Sin separates mankind from a holy, righteous God (Isaiah 59:2). Many people hope that their good deeds can somehow earn the Lord’s forgiveness and end this separation, but to Him “all our righteous acts are...
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4 Ways You Can Tell True from False Prophets

PDF Version WHY WE MUST TEST PROPHETS Almost no one ever admits that he or she is a fake prophet! In fact, some false prophets may seem very sincere. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warned: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matt. 7:15). Jesus’ imagery...
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5 Reasons Why You Can Trust the Bible

PDF Version 5 REASONS WHY YOU CAN TRUST THE BIBLE Can you trust the Bible? On the one hand, more people than ever throughout the world believe that the Bible is the Word of God. On the other hand, the Bible is also more harshly criticized than ever by atheists and followers of other religions. For...
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