
Patterns in the Cults

PDF Version (tract) Generally speaking, a cult is a religious group that claims to be Christian but denies or distorts one or more essential doctrines of the historic Christian faith. We can usually identify four “marks,” or patterns, in cultic groups. To make them memorable, we use the four functions of mathematics: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and...
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ENCORE: Engaging Atheists and Skeptics

Many will claim that biblical faith conflicts with reason and science. But is this true? Vincent Kajuma of ACFAR Kenya offers valuable insights and practical advice on reaching out to atheists and skeptics with the coherent worldview and eternal hope that Christ alone can offer. Merry Christmas!

ADVENTISM: What You Need to Know

Is Seventh-day Adventism compatible with “the faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3), or is it a subtle counterfeit belief system promoting a false prophet and a false gospel? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.

The “Prosperity Gospel” and Psalm 130

The “Prosperity Gospel” (Word-Faith) movement promotes a distorted view of man's authority, identity, health and wealth.  But the prayer in Psalm 130 shows us the right way to rely on God for every need, as Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.

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