
YOU Can Witness to Cultists!

It can be intimidating to share the Gospel with a cult member! How do you begin? Rodgers Atwebembeire gives us three important things to keep in mind: 1) Know basic Bible teachings (and be able to explain them)2) Pray for the one you’re evangelizing3) Emphasize the role of God’s grace in salvation

What’s Wrong With the Prosperity Gospel? (Part 2)

Does God promise to bless you with money? Is it God’s will for you to be rich? Lots of pastors and self-proclaimed prophets today say “Yes!” But there are many reasons why every Christian should beware of this too-good-to-be-true “gospel of prosperity.” In this two-part series Rodgers Atwebembeire gives you four that you should take...
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What’s Wrong With the Prosperity Gospel? (Part 1)

Does God promise to bless you with money? Is it God’s will for you to be rich? Lots of pastors and self-proclaimed prophets today say “Yes!” But there are many reasons why every Christian should beware of this too-good-to-be-true “gospel of prosperity.” In this two-part series Rodgers Atwebembeire gives you four that you should take...
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Have Mercy on Those Who Doubt (Part 2)

Christians can easily get frustrated with someone who is always questioning, but the Bible calls us to respond with compassion. In this episode Vincent Kajuma of ACFAR Kenya gives us eight helpful ways to approach the one who doubts.

Have Mercy on Those Who Doubt (Part 1)

Jude 22 commands us to “have mercy on those who doubt”. Christians can easily get frustrated with someone who is always questioning, but the Bible calls us to respond with compassion. Vincent Kajuma of ACFAR Kenya helps us understand and wisely apply God’s Word.

Faith or Fear? Exorcism and the Role of the Church

Exorcism in the African Church is incredibly widespread. But we have to ask ourselves: Is deliverance ministry really the Church’s main purpose? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.

God’s Glory—and Your Salvation

Many people are asking: “Will Ravi Zacharias be saved in the end?” Such questions naturally haunt us in our own private encounters with sin: How will this affect my eternal fate? Does this sin endanger my salvation? But by focusing on these kinds of questions we skew biblical priorities. Vincent Kajuma of ACFAR Kenya explains....
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