
Contending for the Faith in Theological Education

Africa needs both general and counter-cult apologetics—but are seminaries and Bible colleges addressing this urgent challenge? Rodgers Atwebembeire of ACFAR reviews the current situation and proposes an effective way forward. • Lecture outline available at https://www.teasa.co.za/uploads/6/5/0/7/6507246/contending_theological_education_-_rodgers.pdf. • Selected PowerPoint slides available at https://www.teasa.co.za/uploads/6/5/0/7/6507246/contending_for_the_faith_in_theological_education_-_atwebembeire.pdf. This message was originally given at the June 2021 Theological Education Association...
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Fear or Faith? Exorcism and the Church

Exorcism in the African church is amazingly widespread. But we have to ask ourselves: Is deliverance  ministry really the church's main purpose? Rodgers Atwebembeire brings helpful answers. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.

Promoting Discernment in African Churches

False teachers are everywhere—and the New Testament emphasizes biblical discernment for every believer! So why is it missing in our churches? Rodgers Atwebembeire of ACFAR looks at root causes and proposes effective ways to disciple Christians of all ages in this inspiring message. • Teaching outline available at https://www.teasa.co.za/uploads/6/5/0/7/6507246/promoting_biblical_discernment_-_rodgers.pdf. This message was originally given at...
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How Do I Protect My Flock from Cults?

RECOGNIZING AND RESISTING CULTS (Part 4) As we learn about the threat of cults and false religious groups, an especially helpful Bible passage is Acts 20—the Apostle Paul’s farewell warning to the elders from Ephesus. Rodgers Atwebembeire explains its implications and applications. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.

Answering Bisaka’s “Faith of Unity”

Faith of Unity is a religion centered on Desteo Bisaka (1930–2021), who called himself “Owobusobozi” (Runyoro, “almighty one”). He openly rejected the Bible and Christianity, declared himself to be God, and wrote his own book of scripture (“The Book of God”). Based on his miracle claims, he ordered his followers to worship him and commanded...
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ENCORE: True and False Apostles

Are we in danger from false apostles? Do we still have biblical apostles? These and many other important questions deserve honest answers. Rodgers Atwebembeire makes a compelling case for testing those who claim to be apostles and invites you along to examine the Scriptures.

Why Do People Join (and Stay in) Cults?

RECOGNIZING AND RESISTING CULTS (Part 3) On March 17th of every year, Ugandan Christians are reminded of the Kanungu cult tragedy, which took nearly 1,000 lives. Why do people join cults? And why would you want to be part of a religious group that could take away your very life? Rodgers Atwebembeire sheds light from...
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Living in the Light of Christ (Part 3)

Where is God’s mercy when we go through difficult times—even if it’s a time when we suffer from our own mistakes? Does He care? Yes! In light of Jesus’ coming, we can have rest, joy and peace. Rodgers Atwebembeire explains from Scripture.

Living in the Light of Christ (Part 2)

Where is God’s mercy when we go through difficult times—even if it’s a time when we suffer from our own mistakes? Does He care? Yes! In light of Jesus’ coming, we can have rest, joy and peace. Rodgers Atwebembeire explains from Scripture.

How to Spot a “Christian” Cult

RECOGNIZING AND RESISTING CULTS (Part 2) How can you identify a cult or “false religious group?” What outward signs indicate that a church or other organisation is in dangerous error—whether theologically or behaviorally—so that Christians need to be aware of it? ACFAR director Rodgers Atwebembeire sheds light from Scripture. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of...
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