
Promoting Discernment in African Churches

False teachers are everywhere—and the New Testament emphasizes biblical discernment for every believer! So why is it missing in our churches? Rodgers Atwebembeire of ACFAR looks at root causes and proposes an effective to disciple Christians of all ages. Teaching outline available here. This message was originally given at the June 2021 Theological Education Association...
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What Exactly Is a Cult?

RECOGNIZING AND RESISTING CULTS (Part 1) In a Christian context, the word “cult” describes a group that seriously distorts or denies the central teachings of the historic Christian faith. ACFAR director Rodgers Atwebembeire explains. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.

Contending for the Faith in Theological Education

Africa needs both general and counter-cult apologetics—but are seminaries and Bible colleges addressing this urgent challenge? Rodgers Atwebembeire of ACFAR reviews the current situation and proposes an effective way forward. • Lecture outline here.• Selected PowerPoint slides here. This message was originally given at the June 2021 Theological Education Association of Southern Africa conference (“Standing...
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Why You Don’t Need the ‘Man of God’

The expression “man of God” has come to mean a self-appointed apostle, prophet or pastor—someone who claims special powers and is above accountability. So often such men (and even women!) control their followers through fear and intimidation. They have become like an assistant god, and to be blessed you must come through them. But you...
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Deliverance Ministry: Learning from Jesus’ Example

Jesus’ ministry of deliverance was very different from what we see going on in many churches today. Rodgers Atwebembeire shines the light of Scripture on this timely—and controversial—topic. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.

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