Do I Need Angels to Bring Me Blessings?
What does the Bible really say angels are? And what happens when you go wrong on angels? ACFAR director Rodgers Atwebembeire answers from Scripture. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.
Exorcism & Deliverance: What You Need to Know
Exorcism—also commonly known as the “ministry of deliverance”—has become one of the major defining aspects of African Christianity. In fact, most charismatic churches can trace their rapid growth and influence to an overemphasis on exorcism. Should we be concerned? ACFAR director Rodgers Atwebembeire answers from Scripture. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.
Can Born-Again Christians Be Bewitched?
Many Christians in Africa are praying, fasting, and doing all sorts of things from fear of being bewitched. You will agree that this is a very important question in the context of the church in Africa—especially at a time like now. But surely, under Christ, we are protected? Rodgers Atwebembeire answers from Scripture. www.ACFAR.org Reposted... Read More
SPECIAL: Why Easter Is So Important
Why is it so important that we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead? And how do cults try to make this an occasion for confusion? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains—and gives you powerful reasons to rejoice in what Christ has accomplished for every believer!
Does the Bible Address False Teaching?
Every book of the New Testament, with the exception of Philemon, warns believers of false and false teachings. Indeed, the battle between truth and error has been raging ever since Genesis 3. How can you be prepared? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains from Scripture. www.ACFAR.org Reposted by kind permission of The Gospel Coalition—Africa.
2 Dangers of “Generational Curses”
African Christianity has been greatly influenced by the Word-Faith movement—a teaching that overemphasizes health and wealth—or what is commonly known as the prosperity gospel. People are taught that, as believers, they are entitled to wealth and health. But what happens when believers don’t become healthy and wealthy as has been promised? A false excuse comes... Read More
March 17th, 2021 marks the 21st anniversary of the infamous Kanungu tragedy, in which the cult known as the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God murdered hundreds of its followers in a burning church. What have Christians in East Africa learned in the generation since this event? Both the church and... Read More
Can We Prevent Another Kanungu Cult Tragedy?
How could so many have died 21 years ago at Kanungu, thinking that they were obeying God? Christians in Africa today must wake up to the dangerous reality of cultic groups that add to God’s Word, subtract from Jesus, multiply requirements for salvation, and divide their followers’ loyalties. Rodgers Atwebembeire helpfully explains where we stand—and... Read More
DEVOTIONAL: Acts 20 and the Cult Challenge
The church desperately needs shepherds who will “be on guard…for all the flock” and “shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.” Dangerous deceivers like “Owobusobozi” Bisaka of the Faith of Unity can easily capture multitudes, so we must be ready to understand, answer, and evangelize their victims—offering them the hope... Read More
The Pastor as Watchman
How can a pastor “Be on guard for [himself] and for all the flock,” as Paul commands the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:28? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.