
5 Ways Pastors Can Guard Against Cultic Groups

How can today’s pastors and Christian leaders guard their flocks against falling prey to the cults that work so hard to capture them? Rodgers Atwebembeire draws powerful, timely answers from Acts 20 and other Scripture passages.

SPECIAL: Why You Don’t Need the “Man of God”

The expression “man of God” has come to mean a self-appointed apostle, prophet or pastor—someone who claims special powers and is above accountability. So often such men (and even women!) control their followers through fear and intimidation. They have become like an assistant god, and to be blessed you must come through them. But you...
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How Should You Respond to Cults?

What’s the best way to respond to the cultic groups we meet? Should we ignore them or attack them? Or can we understand them and evangelize them? Rodgers Atwebembeire gives you clear steps to protecting yourself AND showing God’s love.

SPECIAL: 4 Ways YOU Can Spot Deception

Biblical discernment is a survival skill for every believer! Rodgers Atwebembeire takes you through the four clear warnings of Colossians 2:4–23 to help you easily spot deception at a distance and escape the snare of common cultic errors.

What Did Jesus Really Mean in John 14:9?

Jesus said: “Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father.” Did He mean that God has a physical body like Jesus—or is Jesus really the Father, as some cults claim? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains! Includes insights from What Did Jesus Mean? by Ron Rhodes (Harvest House, 1999)

What Did Jesus Really Mean in John 10:22–39?

Why did Jesus say that some people are “gods?” Are they somehow the same as God in heaven—or did Jesus meant something else? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains! Includes insights from What Did Jesus Mean? by Ron Rhodes (Harvest House, 1999)

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