
What Did Jesus Really Mean in John 20:19–23?

Jesus told His disciples “If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven.” Can you and I really do this? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains. Includes insights from What Did Jesus Mean? by Ron Rhodes (Harvest House, 1999)

What Did Jesus Really Mean in John 9:1–5?

Jesus said a man was born blind “so the works of God might be displayed in him.” Does God randomly make people sick or deformed just to show His good works? Rodgers Atwebembeire helps us grasp Jesus’ meaning. Includes insights from What Did Jesus Mean? by Ron Rhodes (Harvest House, 1999)

SPECIAL: Living the Christian Life: Answering “Hyper-Grace”

Today’s “hyper-grace movement” teaches that once someone is saved, they can live however they want because they are totally forgiven. And no worries about godliness, since any effort to be godly would be “legalism.” Such errors make it urgent that we understand the relationship between grace and daily Christian living. Rodgers Atwebembeire explains.

What Did Jesus Really Mean in Matthew 5:27–30?

Should you pluck out your eye or cut off your hand so you won’t go to hell? Rodgers Atwebembeire helps us understand what Jesus is really saying! Includes insights from What Did Jesus Mean? by Ron Rhodes (Harvest House, 1999)

What Did Jesus Really Mean in Mark 8:34–38?

Jesus said anyone who wants to be His disciple must “take up their cross and follow Me” (Mark 8:34). Was He just telling us to wear it as jewelry? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains! Includes insights from What Did Jesus Mean? by Ron Rhodes (Harvest House, 1999)

SPECIAL: Do True Christians Sin? Answering “Hyper-Grace”

Can true Christians who have been forgiven of their sins sin again? If so, what hope do they have? Why do so many seem to live the same way they as they did before claiming salvation? Has sin been redefined? What does it mean to “continue in sin?” Rodgers Atwebembeire explains all these questions—and more.

What Did Jesus Really Mean in Mark 2:13–17?

Jesus said “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17). Are some people so righteous that they don’t need Jesus? Rodgers Atwebembeire explains! Includes insights from What Did Jesus Mean? by Ron Rhodes (Harvest House, 1999)

SPECIAL: Are Christians Only Under Grace—Not the Law?

Confusion about the Bible’s teaching on grace and the law is one of the most divisive issues among Christians today. The deceptive “hyper-grace” movement makes it even more urgent that we address this controversy. Rodgers Atwebembeire brings wisdom and balance in this timely message.

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