
The Dangers of Cultic Involvement

PDF Version There are numerous false religious movements operating in Kenya and around the world in the name of the dissemination of God’s truth, but which may be the source of lifelong poverty, family breakdown, mental derangement, college dropout, physical illness or varying manifestations of bizarre behavior in your life. Today, if I went to...
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What Is Discernment?

In an era of great deception, every Christian needs to be armed with biblical discernment. A good place to start is by defining what discernment is, as Rodgers Atwebembeire explains. TIMESTAMPS: TOPICS COVERED 1:05 – Robert Bowman’s definition 1:45 – Tim Challies’ definition 2:43 – Charles Spurgeon’s definition 3:27 – The Bible on discernment 3:56...
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William Branham: Healing and Heresy

William M. Branham is often described as someone who possessed extraordinary spiritual gifts in divine healing and supernatural knowledge. Although Mr. Branham died in 1965 (well over 40 years ago), thousands believe he was a prophet sent to this generation. William Branham enjoyed a prominent ministry in the 1950s, but ultimately fell into disrepute due...
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The Lost Book of Abraham

Uploaded with explicit, written permission from the Institute for Religious Research (IRR.org). The Lost Book of Abraham is an award-winning documentary that investigates the remarkable claim that Mormon founder Joseph Smith translated a lost book of scripture from an Egyptian papyrus scroll he obtained in 1835. Hear the views of Mormon believers and World-class Egyptologists...
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The Mormon Church and the African

FOR NEARLY 140 YEARS, Mormonism (“The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”) taught that the African people are “inferior” and “cursed” by God. The Mormon leaders who preached such racism in Jesus’ name are honored as “prophets, seers and revelators” by their church, and their cruel, unbiblical teachings remain for all the world to...
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A Statement on Prosperity Teaching

From the Lausanne Theology Working Group, Africa chapter at its consultations in Akropong, Ghana (8–9 October, 2008 and 1–4 September, 2009) NOTE: This is a statement, offered as a discussion starter for further reflection (theological, ethical, pastoral and missiological, socio-political and economic) on the phenomenal rise of prosperity teaching around the world at large and...
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Is Brother Branham Your Absolute?

If you are in this Message, we have five questions for you. Are you in a Message Church or Believers Church, following the Word of the Hour, the last-days message for the Laodicean Church Age, as delivered by Brother William M. Branham? For people in these churches, Brother Branham is more than a prophet—they believe...
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What’s Wrong with Seventh-day Adventism?

PDF version You may have a Seventh-day Adventist church in your town. Or perhaps you have an Adventist friend or neighbor. You may have wondered, “What makes the SDA church different from other churches?” This article will give you answers to help you better understand Adventists and what they believe. Beginnings Adventism began when William...
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