
Is Brother Branham Your Absolute?

If you are in this Message, we have five questions for you. Are you in a Message Church or Believers Church, following the Word of the Hour, the last-days message for the Laodicean Church Age, as delivered by Brother William M. Branham? For people in these churches, Brother Branham is more than a prophet—they believe...
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What’s Wrong with Seventh-day Adventism?

PDF version You may have a Seventh-day Adventist church in your town. Or perhaps you have an Adventist friend or neighbor. You may have wondered, “What makes the SDA church different from other churches?” This article will give you answers to help you better understand Adventists and what they believe. Beginnings Adventism began when William...
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Understanding & Answering William Branham (Part 3)

In Matthew 16, Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” But the ways William Branham answered this question are deeply problematic. He repeatedly contradicted Scripture and even himself, creating serious doubts about his claim to be God’s end-time prophet. In this video Tim Martin explores many of Branham’s conflicting teachings on...
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Be on Guard! False Teachers Are Seldom Obvious

“…we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of people, by craftiness in deceitful scheming…” (Ephesians 4:14) According to Scripture, false teachers typically operate with cunning and guile. Rodgers Atwebembeire highlights “red flags” that all Christians need to be...
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Beware—False Teachers Are Seldom Obvious

According to Scripture, false teachers typically operate with cunning, and guile. Rodgers Atwebembeire highlights “red flags” that all Christians need to be aware of: 0:23 – A question often asked0:42 – Misconceptions about false teachers1:06 – Key truths about false teachers1:29 – The Bible helps us identify false teachers1:47 – False teachers are not always...
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The New Apostolic Church

PDF Christianity is exploding on the African continent. Some reports have put the number of new Christians every day at between 20,000 and 50,000. By all counts, Christianity has clearly become the majority religion in sub-Sahara Africa. But such raw numbers can be very misleading. How many of these new believers are being discipled? How...
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