
Engaging the Book of Mormon: Part 3

Some things in the Book of Mormon defy common sense. For example, God instructed Ether to put a hole in the bottom of his boat to get air. Dima Rozet explores significant aspects of “the fmost correct of any book on earth” that many Mormons hope to avoid or forget.

Engaging the Book of Mormon: Part 2

Does the Bible support the Latter-day Saint (Mormon) belief that the Book of Mormon is divinely inspired scripture? Dima Rozet discusses the prooftexts that Mormons often use and demonstrates the problems therein. Also covered are contradictions between the Book of Mormon and the Bible—and current Latter-day Saint teaching.

Engaging the Book of Mormon: Part 1

The Book of Mormon has a very special place in Latter-day Saint (Mormon) theology. In this video Dmitry (Dima) Rozet, senior researcher at the Center for Apologetics Research in Russia, introduces the Book of Mormon, explains its contents, and reviews some of the major problems with its claims.

The Adventist Missionary Threat

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a force to be reckoned with on the world’s mission fields. What are its real message, methods, and motives—and how should Christian missionaries respond?

The Problem with Prophets

Do Joseph Smith (Mormonism) and Ellen G. White (Seventh-day Adventism) meet the Bible’s criteria for a true prophet of God? (For more information on the Former Adventist Fellowship, visit www.lifeassuranceministries.org)

From Branham to Christ: The Testimony of Emily Arndt

Emily Arndt was raised believing that William Branham was a prophet sent by God for these “last days.” Through God’s grace she discovered that he was just one of many false prophets who have come with this same claim, yet the Bible clearly states that Jesus is the only one she needs (Hebrews 1:1–2). This...
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