
False Miracles

There is a craving for miracles in our churches today that is reason for concern. Attendance in church is based on whether miracles happen there or not. Satan has taken advantage of this hunger for the supernatural to sow division, deception and sometimes destruction of innocent or ignorant believers. “Does God still perform miracles today?...
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Engaging Atheists and Skeptics (Part 2)

When reaching out to atheists skeptics and agnostics, we must remember what is behind unbelief. Scripture tells us that unbelief is a spiritual issue expressed in a number of ways: There is an opposition to the law of God and it’s righteous requirement; there is a darkening of the understanding that makes it impossible to...
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Je, muumini anaweza kutenda dhambi?

Ndio. (i) Barua za Paulo zimeandikwa kwa makanisa yaliyo na wakristo wa kweli ilhali barua hizo zimejaa shinikizo na onyo kwa wakristo hao dhidi ya dhambi. (ii) Katika Warumi 7 Paulo anakiri vita vyake binafsi dhidi ya dhambi. Sisi sote kama wakristo vile vile tunazipitia changamoto zile anazozizungmzia pale. (iii) Vile vile barua ya kwanza...
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Engaging Atheists and Skeptics (Part 1)

Faith, science and reason are often contrasted as opposites. Faith is assumed to be opposed to, even in disagreement with, reason and science. However, we see that the same God believed in is the one who has ordered the reasonable world explored by philosophy, he has worked in the history explored by archaeology, he has...
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Enjigiriza ez’obulimba (False Gospels)

Buli mwonoonyi asobola okufuuka oweddembe olw’enjiri entuufu (amawulire amalungi) aga Yesu kristo. Naye bangi olwaleero baliisidwa enjiri ey’obulimba ebawa essuubi ely’obulimba ly’okka. Njiriki ki gwe jokkiriza? Wuliriza akatambi kano era oyawule enjiri entuufu ku’yobulimba.

Bakatonda ab’obulimba (False Gods)

Osiinza katonda omutuufu? Banji baabuzabuzibwa mukusiinza bakatonda abolimba ababulingeri. Wuliriza akatambi kano era oyige Katonda omutuufu yaani, oleme kugwa mu katego ka bakatonda ab’obulimba n’ensiinza etali ntuufu.

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