
The Teachings of Andrew Wommack

Andrew Wommack is a Word-Faith teacher who has had worldwide success in spreading his message through Andrew Wommack Ministries (AWMI) and Charis Bible College. This video presents him explaining his heretical teachings in his own words, along with a soundly biblical response.

Should You Trust the Watchtower? Part 3: Who Is the “Faithful Slave?”

Based on Jesus’ parable in Matthew 24:45–47 (and elsewhere), the Watchtower Society says that God’s people are to receive spiritual truth from the “faithful and discreet slave.” But who—or what—is the slave? Should we trust the Watchtower leaders if they can’t make up their minds about something so important? And if not, whom can we...
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Oneness Pentecostalism (“Jesus Only”): Part 1

Oneness Pentecostalism—also known as the “Jesus Only” movement—has been called the largest anti-trinitarian cult in the world. Christians need to understand Oneness teachings on God, baptism, and holiness so they can avoid error and effectively proclaim the truth from Scripture.

Oneness Pentecostalism (“Jesus Only”): Part 2

Oneness Pentecostalism—also known as the “Jesus Only” movement—has been called the largest anti-trinitarian cult in the world. Christians need to understand Oneness teachings so they can avoid error and effectively proclaim the truth from Scripture. In Part 2 we answer Oneness arguments on God, tongues, and holiness.

Examining the Teachings of Joyce Meyer

Many are surprised that Joyce Meyer is a Word-Faith teacher. She doesn’t focus on health and wealth, so why would people say this? Actually, Joyce teaches most of the distinctive Word-Faith doctrines. If you’re not sure, this video will convince you. (Originally uploaded 2013.) To watch the full 34-minute video, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjC3BlJJ680. To watch...
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Understanding the Basic Teachings of Seventh-day Adventism

Most Christians are aware that the Seventh-day Adventists are different because they attend church on Saturday. Is this the only difference between them and evangelicals? No! Tim Martin discusses several important doctrines that Christians need to know about their Adventist friends.

Understanding & Answering William Branham (Part 1)

Although William Marrion Branham died over 50 years ago, his influence is still felt around the world. Was he a true prophet of God? In this two-part series, Tim Martin examines Branham’s claims of supernatural visions, visitations, and signs. Did these things truly happen to Branham? The evidence may surprise you. To learn more about...
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